Chris is a wife, mother, teacher and breast cancer survivor. She is inspiring. She is beautiful.
We helped Chris celebrate her 5 year anniversary of being cancer free with a beauty makeover and glamorous photo shoot at our studio. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we asked Chris to let us share her inspirational story and tell us what beauty means to her.
“I’m from Tustin, CA. I’m a 5-year survivor of breast cancer. I am 52 years old. I have 3 children, ages 25, 23, and 21 (2 girls and a boy). I’ve been married for almost 30 years to my husband, Bob. When I found out about cancer, I was so in shock. Everything moves so fast and you don’t have time to think. I was very positive. I wasn’t going to let this thing beat me. I was very concerned about my kids. It was hard for my son, because he saw his mom go bald. I never said, “Why me? I said Why not me, because 1 in 8 women in Orange County is diagnosed with breast cancer.”
“Beauty, to me, is a really good person. Their beauty will shine even if they’re not the most exterior beauty but a person who has a great heart. I really found that with some friends of mine that helped me through this. Surviving cancer has changed my perception of beauty. I see beauty everywhere. Before I was so focused, thinking I have to get these things done throughout the day and now I think to stop and smell the roses. Life is beautiful.”
Thank you Chris for sharing your story and letting us share how beautiful you are!